The first thing visitors to Shady Grove may notice, besides the natural beauty of the place, are the various flags I’ve got flying. There’s three primary flags; The South Carolina state flag; South Carolina Sovereignty flag and the Confederate battle flag. I also have a Bonnie Blue and the first National flag of the Confederacy as well, and switch them out once in awhile. The one flag you will never see on my property is the flag of the former United States of America.
The sovereignty flag confuses some people. It was only flown over the customs house in Charleston for a short while, before the Confederacy was created so it’s not mentioned prominently in history. The Bonnie Blue flag also pre-dates the Confederacy and is also a bit obscure, but it was flown by various units before and throughout the War of Northern Aggression.
But no one mistakes the battle flag. Why would someone fly a flag of a defeated country?
The battle flag is a very common sight in my neck of the woods, and the standard answer you’ll likely get around here as to why is “Southern Pride”, and for most, it’s just that. But I’m not a natural born Southerner (although I damned well should have been), so what’s up with that? Well, let’s start with what’s it not about. It’s not about “pride”, or racial bigotry, or even just annoying the leftist reprobates fleeing the hellholes they’ve made of their Northern states, and dragging their leftist reconstruction carpet bags down here with them (although I aver it’s a bonus I do not eschew).
I fly these flags to make it clear that I no longer recognize the country I live in as legitimate. I do not support the policies, the governance or the societal morals and traditions that have become prominent, if not dominant over the past 2 decades. Truth be told, I just don’t like 1/3 of the people who live here, either.
It says I reject the degeneracy, the insanity, the greed, the denigration of the people that built this country; white Europeans. I reject the slow decline to the inevitable totalitarian regime that was started when Abraham Lincoln broke his solemn oath to protect the Constitution of the United States, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his countrymen and former countrymen to create a union of prisoners, held at bayonet point.
That forced centralization of power is what has led us inexorably to the declining, debauched country we inhabit today; Weimerica. The analogy to Weimar Germany is made to order; urban populations happily engaging in debauchery, chemical substance abuse, thievery and degradation; completely oblivious their country is in decline with a faltering economy, rampant unemployment (or under employment), children heavily medicated, confused emotional wrecks, and all under the control of a feckless, chaotic political elite intent on maintaining their power at any cost.
The song “The Bonnie Blue Flag was the unofficial National Anthem of the Confederate States of America. It’s a snappy tune. Here’s the 2nd South Carolina String Band’s rendition.
I fly these flags to let people know I want no part of it. I will not fight to defend it, and neither will my family or friends. And yes, I fly them to honor the men who were willing to risk everything to live free from tyranny.
I can’t see the future, but I do know that all great empires fail, sooner or later. And I am enough of an historian to see the unmistakable characteristics of a failing empire are present in Weimerica, right now. Personally, I don’t think we can stop it now, especially since we are thoroughly infiltrated with people who are actively working to destroy it.
I fly these flags in the hope that some day, my kids, or grand kids, or great grandkids will once again live in a country they can live free in. My happy place is a US split into at least 2 separate countries, that might agree to commerce and a mutual assistance treaty. We’re simply too big, and we do not share the same morals, traditions or culture any longer. Every 4 years, we go through a national trauma where 1/3 of the country rejoices, another 1/3 threatens to move to Canada and the final 1/3 is too baked or drunk to care. Worse, the victorious 1/3 immediately embarks on a campaign to make the vanquished 1/3 miserable. It’s not a condition a sane person would sign up for.
We need our own living spaces, and I’m praying we can get this done without CWII.
I didn’t write this to trigger degenerate leftists, but I’ll be darned if that’s not what happened; I like it. Like it so much I think I’ll share this story of winning with them.
Any of you reprobates driving yourselves down I85 from one of the failing New England shitholes to our beautiful state will notice a big, beautiful Confederate battle flag waving in the breeze, just across the SC/NC border. It’s 30’x50’; you can’t miss it. Consider it a “Welcome to South Carolina”.
Of course we have leftist trash down here too, and they’re doing their best to take that banner down. They’ve been at it for 4 years…and losing…and losing. They’re fixing to lose again.
Oh, and BTW. If you keep driving South, you’ll pass another flag like ours just across the Georgia border. We love our neighbors.
The Confederate flag denotes racism, support for slavery, and treason. It denotes reactionism and everything that is backward looking. "Confederate" support of a rapist, fraudster, insurrectionist, libeler- a narcissistic, sociopathic conman-shows just how "moral" and "principled" you are.