I didn’t write this to trigger degenerate leftists, but I’ll be darned if that’s not what happened; I like it. Like it so much I think I’ll share this story of winning with them.

Any of you reprobates driving yourselves down I85 from one of the failing New England shitholes to our beautiful state will notice a big, beautiful Confederate battle flag waving in the breeze, just across the SC/NC border. It’s 30’x50’; you can’t miss it. Consider it a “Welcome to South Carolina”.

Of course we have leftist trash down here too, and they’re doing their best to take that banner down. They’ve been at it for 4 years…and losing…and losing. They’re fixing to lose again.

Oh, and BTW. If you keep driving South, you’ll pass another flag like ours just across the Georgia border. We love our neighbors.


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Pretty real sure you havent triggered anyone; you just became the new Assclown Of The Day to point and 😂 at

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No, you just figured “Hey, I can be a bigot today! What are they gonna do to me—cry? Boo-Fucking-Hoo!” You’d be laughable if you weren’t so boringly predictable.

I’d be angry, except You Are Not Worth My Time. OTOH, this cat’s enjoying flushing you down the toilet—I might just adopt him….

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“Bigot” a Weaponized word by the evil US government. Keep using it. No one cares. It’s so boring by now.

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The Confederate flag denotes racism, support for slavery, and treason. It denotes reactionism and everything that is backward looking. "Confederate" support of a rapist, fraudster, insurrectionist, libeler- a narcissistic, sociopathic conman-shows just how "moral" and "principled" you are.

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The only people I am supporting are related to me by blood, friendship and loyalty, pal.

I’ve seen you out there touting the accomplishments of a bag of skin power hungry Marxists have been wearing like a suit the last 38 months.

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You couldn't define Marxism if your life depended on it.

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Why do you like sucking billionaire dick so much?

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Why do you like raping your sister so much?

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Hey look everyone. The fake Southerner made an incest joke

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But I see that you’re not denying it.

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TJ is married to his sister now…

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Nice man chin, Don

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Why do libtards support a senile pedophile traitor owned by the CCP, Ukraine, & Iran in equal parts & controlled by the Kenyan and the old antisemite Nazi Jew?

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Why do conservatards like spewing libel and conspracist insanity?

You must be a lousy doctor.

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You don’t have to see me. What did I Say that you can believably dispute?

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All of it. It's just classic parroting of talk radio slander

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Perhaps this:

You’re a physician?

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Does Vladimir Putin pay you, or do you do it for free?

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STF pujeo puta

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How do you say "brainwashed-by-KGB-disinformation MoFo" in Russian?

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Apr 17
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Let’s dig into this twaddle, and see if there’s anything worth considering in it.

“He will drive on the roads , receive his mail, call the fire department and the police..”

Yeah, I will drive the roads wish they were in better shape for what they cost me.

And yes, I receive mail. The only thing of any value are the tags I pay the state for to drive my vehicles on the aforementioned rutted roads. Everything else goes in the burn pit. Put a 2D barcode on the plates the cops can scan to check if I am paid up, and I can take my mailbox down.

Call the fire department? Actually the fire department calls me when there’s a fire. It’s 100% volunteers, including me.

How am I doing so far? Oh yeah, the police. I have never, not once called the police for anything. Why would I? By the time they’d get here, either I would have taken care of the problem, or the deed would be completed. I don’t need a cop to come hold my hand.

See, this country “gives” me nothing. I am a producer, not a consumer. A payer, not a moocher. Every government service I have ever used, I’ve paid for.

As to racism, lol…I am not sure how it could possibly get worse. The leftist 1/3 of the population won’t tie their shoes without checking their handy pocket melanin chart. Y’all are actually teaching your kids to hate themselves on a melanin sliding scale. You won’t say the word out loud, but you say “nigger” with everything you do, and every unqualified person you elect, or hire because of the color of their skin.

I judge people by their behavior, their character if you will. Some black guy once said that was a good way to get along, and it sounds good to me.

When I was 30, it was my position that I’d forgo every penny I had paid into the social security pyramid scheme if I could opt out. 20 years on, that deal is still on. Not because I believe I will be dollars ahead, but because I won’t still be paying into a pension I will never get a dime back from.

So there we are. Your opinion has been weighed, measured and found completely worthless.

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Spot on Indigo:

(A Clue(?), this is in all likelihood an AI generated @MurdochGutterMedia Troll). I will compliment the data mining of American history though: (pretty effective).

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Lol. You’re a real nitwit

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Thanks TJ!,

You’ve outed yourself brilliantly as the @MurdochMedia hired gun.

Very kind of you .

Do be sorted won’t you ?

Plead join your Dersnger Community in the nearest bin. Enjoy your block party!

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Oh. I just checked your profile. Your ignorance is just the effect of advanced age, and I was raised to respect old wisdom and be polite to old fools.

Sorry, ma’am; please continue with your twaddle.

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Evidently Murdoch knows how to attract nitwits, cause here you are.

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Wow. Read a book you moron. You’re everything that’s wrong with america and just backed up the very point of this article.

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I have read plenty of books and know the history of the Confederacy and what it stands for. The article illustrates everything that is wrong with a certain minority of our country that rejects the very principles on which the US was founded and cannot deal with change and modernity.

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The NYPost is a tabloid rag and is generally not a credible source of news. Even if the story is accurate, it is merely one instance, and you will need considerably more than that to demonstrate a systemic problem, a problem which, if it exists, I am confident society would eventually cope with effectively in time, as it has done with a variety of problems, major and minor. I am far more concerned with problems coming from the far right than the far left, though I don't discount either, when they are real.

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“Even if the story is accurate, it is merely one instance…”

It’s accurate, and just one instance is plenty more than enough to demonstrate the degenerate power mongers that control this failing country no longer believe in the principles it was founded on.

And you support them.

Now bugger off.

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Yes, please go back to instagram with all the other self hating Yankee jews. If you’d read anything about the civil war you’d know its origins were in the 1830’s when the north started putting tariffs on southern goods when they tried to export. Lincoln was the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

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So after several instances of radical right wing violence you agree that it is our duty to imprison conservatives and abolish their radical ideology.

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As opposed to the NY Slimes? Boy, you are delusional.

Which paper was correct about Hunter’s laptop, eh, boy?

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Not the NYPost

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#NotEvenAGoodTroll Hey, Sergey somebody just called for a Proctologist, you better run. I hear Putin is transferring you and TJ (as a married couple) to Siberia. You’ll still have each other 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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Pussies read the radical fascist NY Post. It is not a serious paper

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And the NYT is? Give me a break.

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NYT is conservative

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The NYP hasn’t been a source of journalism for 35-40 years now. If its founder was alive today old A.Hamm would hand most of them heads and summarily sack the lot.

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And that and those like that and you, is where the actual problem is. Get away from the lamestream media and the two-party mentality, and pay attention.

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Flying the flag of defeated traitors to The Republic. Nice job. Proud to support traitors of the Republic and its Constitution?

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LOL how hysterical!

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That Battle flag is out of date.

This was the latest Confederate Battle flag.

A White flag.

It was the flag of losers.

Stupid losers.


Rich people wanted to expand slavery for profit and you dumbshits got yourself killed because of it.

Attack the United States of America and git your ass whooped, little traitors. 😅

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The white flag is the Conederate Flag - I surrender…

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Great article TJ. I too took my American flag down. Even after 21 years of service in the Army I can no longer support what this country has become. In its place day Florida’s flag and the Gadsen Flag.

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Thank you.

It’s better to retire it honorably than continue to fly it like a dirty rag over the wasteland America has become.

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Why don’t you get the fuck out then?

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I have a better idea. Why don’t you play with a toaster in the bathtub?

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You sad, SAD, little man.

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Sad? Nah. I have rarely had a better time than dragging you nitwits around by the ear. 😀

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I have a better idea. Why don’t you eat a bag of dicks?

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GFY, little racist man

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Oooo the R word, that word is way past its use by date, & urban American blacks and Mainland Chinese have been demonstrated to be by far more racist than whites, and the most racist whites are white liberals, so own it,lady.

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GFY, Roger ‘I’m not really a doctor’

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Lolol “ racist” is a Weaponized government word that only losers use. It’s totally boring.

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GFY, Doctor of Proctology… Roger knows assholes, it takes one to know one 😁

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Because neither the Kenyan nor the senile pedophile resident in the White House were legitimately elected;& when push comes to shove, you SOBs don’t have the cajones nor the weapons to make us get out.

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I can’t wait til you try.

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I and my ancestors were here long before you were punk.

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No. 1: (Christ, you really are English aren’t you?) this is America, motherfucker- nobody cares how long your “family” has been here.

2. Did you seriously type “cajones”? You don’t know any Spanish either.

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Go back then;

(It’s better there “Dr”. )

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Your ancestors are in Siberia…

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You’re ridiculous and laughable.

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Thank you dearest “Dr.”

for opting yourself as the @MurdochGutterMeda Troll

so efficiently


Do be sorted won’t you?

There’s a dear!

Please join your Deranger Community in their exclusive block party.

Rumor has it’s quite 🤩 fun.


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Go ride an electric cattle prod for laughs.

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You should be embarrassed, but you’re not. That’s why this whole site is laughing at you. You and TJ will meet again in Siberia 💞

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GFY, Doctor of Proctology

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It’s an urban myth that democrats don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment… I would suggest you war hungry cowards go to Russia where your heart is with Putin!

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You and Patricia are both delusional. Not war hungry at all. Is English your second language?

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Donna (?),

That’s precisely who is financing and sponsoring their on line projects and campaigns.

They’re straight outta Moscow and are the hired guns of @MurdochGutterMedia

Many make their living posting this type of rubbish.

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You are delusional as is OhDonna. Russia, Russia, Russia, OMG. Pure projection and distraction. Begone.

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They’re all so pathetic it’s laughable, Patricia.

Russian trolls pretending to be Americans again, snore 🥱🥱🥱

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Delta is ready when you are, traitor.

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Took mine down as well. I'll raise the Florida flag when I finish my move.

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We flew our American upside down during the Obama reign and we have flown it upside down for the past three years. A symbol our country is in distress.

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Apr 17
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What would anyone’s earned retirement have to do with their opinion on how the government is operated? Remember when liberals were anti-war? Seems like that was just a few decades ago….

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If you can’t see the obvious I can’t explain it to you

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You couldn’t explain it to anyone because you’re a brainwashed shit for brains. You people are in fantasy land where reality and consequence doesn’t matter. It’ll become painfully obvious to you sooner or later.

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Okay. I will take baby steps. The government hands you my tax dollars. The government supports you. You piss on the government . Someone has shit for brains and you see him in the mirror every day . I will have to keep paying your welfare check for you to remain an idiot because obviously you are just a burden to us now

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You seem to be confusing welfare with pensions. By your logic anyone that works for 20 or 30 years isn’t entitled to criticize their previous employer. That sound right to you?

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Dude. Just move. By your own admission you don’t want to be a citizen of America. Go away and stay away.

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America is not and never was a white country. Get over it. Your privilege is weakening and will soon be gone. Learn to get along.

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Our privilege has just begun. DEI is losing left and right. Left and right! Companies are kicking it out!

No more privilege for you !

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Says a faceless empty blabbing profile of a fat white ignorant illiterate somebody who barely finished high school… sure, whatever.

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Masters degree and weigh 114.

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I seriously doubt that, or then you’re just racist and ignorant…. A degree doesn’t make stupid bigots intelligent. But still an empty blabbing profile. White and ignorant…

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I come from Boston. I live in a red state now. You are the one who is an ignorant bigot.

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Ignorant red state resident… still haven’t denied racist and white…

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LOL “ privilege” we have another brainwashed self-hater

The government and it’s minions have convinced these people they are all evil

We are not convinced and that’s why they hate us

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They want us to hate ourselves as much as they hate themselves.

We won’t and never will. Have a great time hating yourself and your” privilege”

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Pretty much agree. Being from Tennessee, I like the Polk Flag and the Army of Trans Mississippi.

Pretty much for the same reasons you state.

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Love me some Tennessee

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You are a sad human being. While our country has many problems - it has always been a diverse country built by many hands of different races. You should learn about Bacon's Rebellion. Many whites that came here in the early days of the 13 colonies were UK criminals or indentured servants. In the the 1600s they and blacks and browns found common ground as servants/slaves for the 1% plantation owners. Yes - the 1% rich Southern plantation owners that never gave a crap about you or the 99% of working southern white people - this is why they preferred cheaper black slave labor. But they figured out how to brainwash you southern whites the same as recent silver spoon rich 1% crook and traitor Trump has - your new MAGA white savior. These rich con men tap into your fears about other folks that look different - mostly based on color. But guess what - these people of color are as divinely human as you - regardless of your blind hate. You are a sad stereotype and sorry but God is on our diversity and Democracy side because God loves all its creations. There is good and bad in every race and culture. You and all the white haters will lose every time in time. Maybe try to read more history from different sources to learn about real America from different points of view because they are all valid because many different races and cultures have been here since the beginning. If it could happen peacefully I would be okay with breaking up the country to get away from angry ignorant people like you - most red states southern states are poor and are carried via welfare by the more liberal coastal states that generate more wealth and pay more taxes, but unfortunately we are now a more purple mix than extreme red or blue states and this is not going to change any time soon. So you should try to be more Christian and open your heart and learn to love God, your self and others that don't look like you as well. Love is something you may have a hard time with but it is the reason we exist. This is all of our challenge as humans - to love each other. It was Jesus main teaching. Maybe start with the New Testament and go from there.

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You can move anytime

to another country so you can stop bitching or you can do something to help your country

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Weimerica has been infected with mentally ill leftist psychopaths. The best thing that can happen is a peaceful separation.

Y’all enjoy your filthy bacchanalia and we will move humanity forward.

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Filthy bacchanalia the flag man says, as if there are no shameful freak flags hanging in the closet of many a fake man of god, the vast majority of them right wing authoritarians.

Right or Left, almost all the rapists and pedophiles are…

(Wait for it…)


Same type of human who thinks guns are a good way to solve a dispute.

You’re unhappy with the state of your nation? I’m unhappy with the state of the world, and it’s all because of sociopathic men.

Prove me wrong.

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That is the spergiest comment yet, broham. Gee, I dunno. I guess the only thing to do is kill all the men…

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No, silly.

The thing to do is for we men to sit down and shut up for a generation or two, something we’ve never tried because we just want to go through all the channels one more time before we give up the clicker.

Just one more time.

Here’s the male dynamic:

Plan > Execute > Reap reward/survive failure > Abandon fallout (unanticipated negative externalities) > Repair to the mead hall to sing songs of valour (control the narrative) > Repeat.

So…that means someone has to deal with the fallout, the fundamental example being Junior. Men can wait women out (if they don’t beat them first), because women can always be counted on to default to taking care of Junior.

Women don’t get the luxury (or share the hubris) of male planning. They have to roll with reality, while men think they can master it.

And as we look at the world we see how well that’s gone and where it’s going.

I don’t think either of us is happy with it.

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A very moving and powerful piece, the TJ. Very obliging of some of those degenerate leftists to scuttle in here and prove your point.

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GFY and take TJ with you Gargamell 😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂

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You’re repeating yourself girl. Day drinking again?

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GFY Azzhole

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1st off why is it racist to think the states have the right to succeed if the federal govt becomes oppressive? That’s exactly what the first rebellion was about. Also North America didn’t have a large number of slaves until the cotton gin came about in 1793. Before then cotton wasn’t as valuable to grow. This is all history, not conjecture. I have zero issues with any race or color. But revising history to say that America was built by slaves is just pure fiction and demonstrably untrue. Find me one sub Saharan country that’s doing or has done well. If they built America and Europe why didn’t they built Africa?

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You make the average idiot look like a Rhodes scholar.

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Why not actually debate what I said? Why just resort to insults and nonsense? Prove me wrong, I’ll listen.

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I have a master's degree in history. You tube is not research. If you're open to facts, read The Wages of Whiteness, it will blow your hair back. Read books by scholars.

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That article is full of statistics with no explanation of cause and brings up issues from 50 years ago at the earliest. Some 150 years ago. I don’t see how that’s related to my statement about the civil war at all or what that has to do with YouTube. Please elaborate and help me understand.

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The problem of race came up long ago. I don't believe you have a degree in anything. I'm sorry, it's impossible to learn anything about American history, leave a university, and spout lies and racism. I mean it is literally impossible. That's not what you learn. What school did you go to and who was your advisor? I would like to speak to whomever told you this.

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Okay bot. Now you can just fuck off. I didn’t even say anything racist and everything I mentioned was factual. You twats just can’t handle anything you disagree with. It’s way pathetic.

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Interesting, I have a masters in history as well. I’ll read it after work. Thanks.

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Man you got the lib bot’s attention on this one bro. I got blocked twice cause they got triggered by some truth.

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Amen brother. I lived in SC for 3 years. Best time of my life in some ways. Always loved the spirit of the true America there.

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I have not seen so many badly triggered degenerate leftists in a LONG time. I guess they really do hate freedom.

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They’re wild, ain’t they? 😂

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I live in South Carolina there’s no freedom for women here it’s a forced birth state. If they could take one right and freedom away, they can take any of them away

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You sound like a New Jersey kind of girl; plenty of abortion up there for you. I guess there’s plenty of available houses for sale, too since it looks like about half that wretched state has moved down here.

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Your draconian misogynistic comment about abortion says a lot about you. Women are dying and women are being denied healthcare. You live your life I’ll live mine, and we will both vote according.

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So, you don’t like New Jersey abortions? But how do you know if you don’t try them? I think you should move up there; you’ll be happier

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“Women are dying”. Wow. Seriously girl. Go make a sandwich. And maybe don’t be a whore or if you’re going to use birth control. Why are you fuckin communists so concerned about other states? I hate the NE US for the politics, so you know what???? I don’t fuckin live there!

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Christy does the South Carolina government force you to have sex? Or just to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

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South Carolina government may not force you to have sex, but they force you to give birth some Judeo Christian values believe that sex is some horrible dirty thing, and we should hold ourselves to virginal ideologies bullshit. It’s all bullshit to control women and also remember this ideology of no sex before marriage in the ancient world little girls were married off at 12 years old, so yeah you shouldn’t have sex at 12 to me that’s wrong

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Oh, so you’re saying no one should have sex because of fear of getting pregnant South Carolina is being sued right now by a woman whose IUD failed and she knew two days after she missed her period but she was pregnant could not even get abortion within the six week limit in South Carolina tax dollars are between wasted and women are suffering because they think they can control people sexual lives It’s quite a disgusting conservatives say they don’t want big government but yet they want government determining who we have sex with how we have sex with them and then I reproductive help bullshit. It’s about control if Menga get pregnant this would be a non-issue but they’re about to learn that men can still be bound to pay 18 years of child support of multiple children when that scenario starts flipping a different song being sung.

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No, we just hate azzhole racists

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Really weird. You should seek professional help.

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Is that what your psychiatrist said?

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That is the most reasonable and insightful explanation of why so many on the Right are anti-government. And I too "am enough of an historian to see the unmistakable characteristics of a failing empire". I think the whole "Western World" (N. America, Europe, etc) is in decline; everywhere we'll see govts start "flipping" from left to right, or right to left, as people put their faith in govts to solve their problems. As if a different party or leader can halt the decline of western civilization. (I think overpopulation is a root cause - driving world emigration in the desperate hopes for a better life; US to the rest of the world still seems the shining house on the hill compared to what they've got. And I think too many Americans don't appreciate how good we've got it - in spite of all that's wrong.

But your explanation shows a thoughtful intelligent mind. And courageous; you stand up for what you believe.

I wrote a satirical piece on my site called Fisher's Law (half the population is below average intelligence) as a facetious explanation of why so many on the Right fall for Trump's lies. You clearly don't fall under Fisher's Law. I would debate you on your generalizations as a kind of Fisher's Law in reverse: the Right's characterization of everyone on the Left as degenerate America-hating perverts. Because I don't trust Trump doesn't mean I'm a pervert, or that I'm trying to destroy America, or that I'm involved in Clarence's Deep State conspiracies. I'm just an old white guy with wife and kids and grandkids (and dogs - God's greatest creation) who fears not one side or the other, but the rising escalation of hatred and demonization coming from both sides.

If politics means anything (and America, after all, is a political institution) it has to be based on reasonable negotiation and compromise. Neither side gets everything; but solutions are found. That possibility seems to be diminishing by the day, and I do believe that the next step in that kind political dissolution is (what I am calling) neo-fascism. Authoritarian 1-man rule (I am your voice; I alone can fix this) because it puts way too much power in 1 man's hands. And I just don't trust Trump enough to give him that much power. Right now he has power over his followers for a lot of reasons, and it might carry him to the White House. And he might even implement a lot of his promises (the Wall, internment camps, deportations, etc) but I don't think that would stop the decline of America. And it would set in motion a reactionary force (we see the seeds in Antifa) and then on to CW2. Which I don't want to see for my kids and grandkids.

But it's seeming like whoever is Prez in 2024, there will be a reaction. A violent reaction. And body counts won't matter: the US way out-killed the lesser-armed Viet Cong, but who won that war?

So my friend, I've learned a lot from you. And I get your I'm-outta-here fuck-em attitude.

Yes, I'm glad i found your site and got an insight into your thoughts. Maybe we have a lot more in common than you'd think. (But I've never held a gun in my life, would probably shoot my foot off, so let's not have CW2. I don't have enough feet.

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I’d gladly drink a beer with you

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as long as it's not Bud-Light, right?

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Bud light is not beer

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If you're referring to those Bud Light ads, Dylan Mulvaney creeps me out, and he's just another narcissistic opportunist cashing in on a marketing wave (isn't that the American way? go for it? cash in?) but I prefer to make my choices based on the products, not on endorsement, testimonials or ad campaigns. I won't buy a certain beer (or any product) because of who endorses it, but I also won't NOT buy something because of who endorses it. And I thought the whole shooting-up Bud Light bottles was juvenile. If I like the product, I'll buy it. If I don't like it, I won't buy it.

But if I'm ever in Shady Grove, I have what you're having. And it's on me.

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Go together please. I’ll chip in for your tickets to Siberia

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No, Karen, you get you arse and serial abortions out of here.

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You aren’t even AMERICAN, dipshit! We don’t say “arse” here, you Tea-Bag Limey Tory dipshit.

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More American than you are: my mother was DAR & counts Roger Williams among her ancestors. KMA with or without an ‘r’.

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Arse makes you not an American, Roger ‘I’m not a doctor’ Kimball. LMAO

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Abraham, you are so far on to the truth, it might scare you.

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When the choices are Bad or Worse, I'm already scared.

Luckily I live in nature (my own little Shady Grove) and spend lots of time reading history (and writing my little newsletter). What keeps me sane is knowing that this is all just another chapter in the history books, except that we happen to be living through this chapter, so it kind of jumps off the page. But it's just history running it's course.

So I read and write, walk the dog, play chess, love my wife and family, and when the weather's good I go out to garden for "mud therapy."

Someday someone will read about our times in a history book and say, wow, that must have been a scary time.

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I agree Mr Swift. And obviously Abe W would not be flying confederate flags and then explaining the joke.

Because you never explain the joke; if it needs one it’s already bombed.

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Over population or crappy governments hoarding cash for themselves and not helping their people?

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